Time out from your relationship
If you and your partner decide that taking time out would be a good idea, it is essential that you both agree on some specific rules that you would respect during this trial period. Some suggestions include:
- An end date for the time out. The date at which point you two agree to evaluate the usefulness of the relationship break, and you decide whether or not to remain in the relationship or walk away.
- Would it be acceptable to date others during the break?
- Is sex with others allowed? If so, always use protection, so you do not put yourself or your partner at risk, especially if you are intending to come back together
- What will your communication look like during the break? It may be best to not communicate, to give yourselves a chance to “miss” each other.
- This will also allow you to tune into any feelings that might arise when your partner is not present. Are you happier? Sadder? This will help you determine if your relationship is worth saving.
- Use your time away from each other wisely. See friends you neglected during your relationship.
- Take up a new sport or hobby. Journal your feelings. Be selfish: you only have yourself to concentrate on now in other words practise self-love. If you have never done it before please learn.
Sometimes a break is indeed a valuable step to take towards resolving relationship issues, and sometimes a break leads to the break-up of the relationship so like I said it works differently for each couple.
Whatever the outcome, it will be the one that was meant to be. If he or she is for you, then you will both find a way. Every relationship issue has its own peculiar solution.