After the relationship has ended, there are mostly attempts to come together again. But if all fails, the moment comes to accept the break up, move on and forget the relationship. But let us give it one more last chance to get your ex back…

After this last attempt to get your ex back failed, place it definitely in your mind as a finished relationship. In romans they call it a broken heart, in real life it is an awful feeling, painful, torturous and you truly believe you’ll never be happy again and in some situations even suicide comes up in the dark thinking. But to forget a relationship that is now behind, there are a lot of tips and tricks to soften this awful painful tortuous unhappy times, here are some broken heart pain softeners..
Allow yourself in all privacy to feel your feelings, cry if you feel crying, you can cry, scream, yell, journal, do whatever you need to do to let your emotions flow freely but all in a limited time frame of maximum 1 hour, cut off ALL communication with your ex-partner, Don’t internalize the breakup and find support by talking to 2 of your best friends in private and let it all out, remember all that was bad about this situation but forgive the partner in your mind, never stay behind with hate, start working hard on improving yourself, exercise, be proud, not show your sad feeling to others, identify and eliminate unhealthy behaviors coursed by this break up, create new routines, explore new interests, meet new people with the same interest, try to start dating again only when you think you are ready, don’t get stuck in the past and start all over again, don’t deny your needs,.
Recognize that it’s never easy but as you can see these are a lot of tips and tricks to forget your relationship, just start with one at the time until it becomes an automated action and then start adding more… and you will forget your relationship and start all over brand new fresh and straight towards new ultimate happiness.