
Differences In Personalities, Beliefs, And Values

Being separate individuals, it is normal for couples to have different or even opposing personalities, beliefs, and values. There will be times when these differences could lead to conflicts and even serious fights. One of the usual reasons marriages fail is because of irreconcilable differences.

You may be partners, but you are still two unique individuals who may have different views about life, love, happiness, etc. Whether she’s a liberal and you’re a conservative is fine. Problems only come in when you do not listen to and respect his or her views.

The keyword? Respect!

Acknowledge your partner’s beliefs and principles. As early as now, you must confront those conflicting values and traits you have and decide to meet half ways. You don’t need to agree with your partner; you can always voice out your thoughts, but do not force your partner to change their principles and be a different person for you.

It may not happen over time, but as long as both of you are willing to adjust and respect, then you can be peacefully together.