shared responsibilities

Imbalances in shared responsibilities

Have you ever argued about the dishes or the laundry? If so, you are not alone. Chores and household logistics can create many problems within a relationship.

If one partner feels like they are doing more than their share of the tasks to keep up with day-to-day life, then resentment is likely to build.


  • Create a list of tasks to divide. Take time together to create a list of the things that need to get done. Ask yourselves, “How are these things currently handled?” “How would we like to see them handled?” and “What needs to shift to create a better balance of labor?”
  • Be up front about needing help. If you need help from your partner with responsibilities, make sure to communicate that clearly. Don’t wait until you are already resentful to bring it up.
  • Communicate regularly. Make sure to check in with each other regularly about how things are going. You can even set aside a specific time each week (i.e. Sunday night) to talk about what’s gone well and what hasn’t when it comes to maintaining shared responsibilities.
  • Express appreciation. When you notice your partner doing something around the house, taking on a new responsibility, or taking care of a task without being prompted, let them know you noticed. Share what it means to you and why you appreciate the action.