bored of sex

Feeling bored of sex… We’ve been told that during these “trying times”, a routine when working from home can make all the difference. But at the same time, routine can lead to feeling bored and unfulfilled. While routine is good for many of us in the rest of our lives (and can be really helpful for us for managing our time during lockdown), in our sex lives it’s not that helpful. Our sexual and intimate lives being predictable doesn’t boost desire; and so try and make a conscious effort to break away from doing things the same way constantly.

The solution: Change just one thing

It really can be as simple as changing one thing when you have sex. Kate explains. Lights on/off, starting with clothes on/off, lube/no lube, a new position, introducing a sex toy, not having to end with intercourse – the list is never-ending. If you know how it’s going to go every time then it will create less positive anticipation; so a bit of creativity can do wonders for your sex life, but it doesn’t have to be intimidating.