Refusing responsibility

Refusing to take responsibility or “own” the problem

This is the one of the most common reasons relationships fail. Many women refuse to take responsibility for their relationship problems. It’s always the man’s fault for being a disloyal husband, bad boyfriend, or cheating partner. Most of the women who write about their problems on relationship blogs focus on their partner. They take no responsibility for their own choices and decision to stay in an unhealthy relationship or bad marriage. All relationship problems are caused by both partners, to different degrees. Even if your relationship problem is 100% caused by your boyfriend or husband, you are contributing to it by refusing to solve or deal with it in some way.

The solution: Ask yourself how you’re helping to create the problem in your relationship. Even if you are doing nothing, you are doing something. Be honest, brutally honest, with yourself. How can you change how you think about your relationship, yourself, and your life? Maybe the way to solve your problem is to leave your husband or move out of your boyfriend’s house. This isn’t just about taking responsibility for your role and power in the relationship. It’s owning your life.